Goalkeepers to be placed against the clock in bid to beat time-wasting

Goalkeepers to be placed against the clock in bid to beat time-wasting

Keepers in possession to be counted down by refereesIfab also announce permanent concussion substitutes

Dawdling goalkeepers are to be given more time to hold on to the ball, but subjected to a countdown by the referee and punished if they fail to release in time, under new plans to combat time-wasting in football.

A number of different trials were announced at Loch Lomond at the annual general meeting of the International Football Association Board (Ifab) on Saturday, as the game’s law-making body extended its range of measures to improve player behaviour in matches. Meanwhile, it was also confirmed that concussion substitutes are to be permanently introduced to the game, even as data showed that an average of only one substitution per competition has been made each season during three years of trials.

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